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第一章 总 则

第一条 为贯彻落实党中央、国务院关于进一步推行政务公开的要求,促进人事部机关依法行政,增强人事工作的透明度,根据有关法律、法规,结合人事工作实际情况,制定本规定。

第二条 人事部政务公开以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,以保障人民群众的民主权利、维护人民群众的根本利益,形成行为规范、运转协调、公正透明、廉洁高效的人事行政管理体制为目标,为深化人事制度改革,实现人事工作的新发展提供制度保障。

第三条 人事部政务公开是指人事部机关或由人事部依法委托履行管理公共事务职能的事业单位,在依法履行管理职能和提供公共服务过程中,依据法律、法规、规章和其他规范性文件,向社会或者服务对象(包括本机关工作人员)公开相关事项,并接受监督。

第四条 人事部政务公开坚持严格依法、全面真实、及时便民的原则。

第五条 人事部成立由部领导担任组长、副组长,部机关各司级单位和有关事业单位主要



第二章 政务公开的内容

第六条 人事部政务公开的内容,按照“公开是原则,不公开是例外”的要求,结合实际情况确定。对人事行政管理和公共服务事项,除涉及国家秘密、工作秘密和依法受到保护的商业秘密、个人隐私之外,应当如实公开。

第七条 下列内容应当主动向社会或者服务对象公开:




















第八条 下列内容应当向部内或者司级单位内部公开:









第九条 对不在上述公开范围内的事项,如有申请,可根据有关规定研究决定是否公开。


第三章 政务公开的形式

第十条 按照主动公开的要求,根据本规定第七条和第八条所列事项,编制人事部政务公开目录。列入目录的各类人事行政管理和公共服务事项,按照不同类别适用的法律、法规、规章和其他规范性文件,明确办理原则、条件、程序、决定权限、责任单位、监督单位和联系、举报电话等。

第十一条 在部机关办公楼设置办事引导图、电子显示屏和触摸屏。

第十二条 建立新闻发布制度,对人事工作的重要活动、热点工作进展情况和新出台的政策规定等,通过媒体及时向社会发布。

第十三条 在人事部门户网站开设部领导简介、机关事业单位机构设置及工作职能和人事政策法规等专栏,方便人民群众查询。


第十四条 通过社会公示、社会听证和专家咨询、论证,以及邀请群众旁听有关会议等形式,对应当公开决策的人事行政管理和公共服务事项的决策过程和结果予以公开。

第十五条 应当向部内公开的事项,一般采用发文和在机关内网、公告栏、公告板上公布等形式予以公开,并设置意见箱和举报电话。

第四章 政务公开的程序

第十六条 对确定主动公开、不予公开和依申请公开的事项,由部内相关单位提出意见,经分管部领导同意后,报人事部政务公开工作领导小组审核批准,并送领导小组办公室备案。

第十七条 对政务公开中涉及审批、审核、备案的事项,有关单位应当按照规定的受理条件和标准进行审查。



第十八条 对办结的事项,应当视需要征求申请人和相关人员的意见,不断改进工作,提高服务质量。

第十九条 建立首问责任制度。工作人员遇有来部、来电咨询或者需要提供人事服务时,应当以“首问责任人”的身份负责接待,并做到态度热情、认真负责,不得推诿。

第五章 政务公开的监督

第二十条 人事部政务公开工作领导小组办公室对各单位政务公开工作情况进行督促检查,并及时向人事部政务公开工作领导小组报告。


第二十一条 政务公开工作的考核评价应当纳入机关目标管理和年度考核。对推行政务公开工作态度不认真、工作走过场,或者弄虚作假的,要提出批评并限期整改。

第二十二条 通过受理举报、投诉和发放调查表等方式,听取服务对象对政务公开工作的反映,广泛接受社会的监督。

第二十三条 对违反本规定,造成不良后果的,要对当事人批评教育;情节严重的,按有关规定给予处分,并追究所在单位主要领导的责任。

第六章 附 则

第二十四条 本规定由人事部办公厅负责解释。

第二十五条 本规定自印发之日起施行,1998年4月12日颁布的《人事部办事公开暂行规定》(人发〔1998〕31号)同时废止。

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  第一条 根据《机关文件材料归档范围和文书档案保管期限规定》(国家档案局令第8号)的要求,结合税务机关档案工作实际,制定本规定。
  第二条 本规定中的文件材料是指税务机关在各项工作活动中形成的各种门类和载体的历史记录。
  第三条 文件材料归档范围是:
  第四条 文件材料不归档范围是:
  第五条 凡属归档范围的文件材料,必须按有关规定向本机关负责档案工作的部门移交,实行集中统一管理,任何个人不得据为己有或拒绝归档。
  第六条 税务机关文书档案的保管期限定为永久、定期两种。定期分为30年、10年两类。
  第七条 永久保管的文书档案主要包括:
  第八条 定期保管的文书档案主要包括:
  第九条 应归档电子文件的元数据、背景信息等与电子文件一并进行归档。
  第十条 机关联合召开会议、联合行文所形成的文件材料原件由主办机关归档,其他机关将相应的复制件或其他形式的副本归档。
  第十一条 各级税务机关应根据本规定,结合本机关职能和工作实际,编制本机关的文件材料归档范围和文书档案保管期限表。
  第十二条 在编制本机关或本系统文件材料归档范围和文书档案保管期限表时,应全面分析和鉴别本机关或本系统文件材料的现实作用和历史作用,准确界定文件材料的归档范围和划分档案保管期限。
  第十三条 各级税务机关形成的人事、基建、会计及其他专门文件材料的归档范围和档案保管期限,按国家有关规定执行。
  第十四条 本规定自颁布之日起施行。《国家税务总局 国家档案局关于印发〈全国税务机关档案管理办法〉的通知》(国税发[1996]64号)有关档案保管期限的规定同时废止。





第一章 总则
第一条 根据《中华人民共和国标准化法》(以下简称《标准化法》)的规定,制定本条例。
第二条 对下列需要统一的技术要求,应当制定标准:
第三条 国家有计划地发展标准化事业。标准化工作应当纳入各级国民经济和社会发展计划。
第四条 国家鼓励采用国际标准和国外先进标准,积极参与制定国际标准。

第二章 标准化工作的管理
第五条 标准化工作的任务是制定标准、组织实施标准和对标准的实施进行监督。
第六条 国务院标准化行政主管部门统一管理全国标准化工作,履行下列职责:
第七条 国务院有关行政主管部门分工管理本部门、本行业的标准化工作,履行下列职责:
第八条 省、自治区、直辖市人民政府标准化行政主管部门统一管理本行政区域的标准化工作,履行下列职责:
第九条 省、自治区、直辖市有关行政主管部门分工管理本行政区域内本部门、本行业的标准化工作,履行下列职责:
第十条 市、县标准化行政主管部门和有关行政主管部门的职责分工,由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府规定。

第三章 标准的制定
第十一条 对需要在全国范围内统一的下列技术要求,应当制定国家标准(含标准样品的制作):
第十二条 国家标准由国务院标准化行政主管部门编制计划,组织草拟,统一审批、编号、发布。
第十三条 对没有国家标准而又需要在全国某个行业范围内统一的技术要求,可以制定行业标准(含标准样品的制作)。制定行业标准的项目由国务院有关行政主管部门确定。
第十四条 行业标准由国务院有关行政主管部门编制计划,组织草拟,统一审批、编号、发布,并报国务院标准化行政主管部门备案。
第十五条 对没有国家标准和行业标准而又需要在省、自治区、直辖市范围内统一的工业产品的安全、卫生要求,可以制定地方标准。制定地方标准的项目,由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府标准化行政主管部门确定。
第十六条 地方标准由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府标准化行政主管部门编制计划,组织草拟,统一审批、编号、发布,并报国务院标准化行政主管部门和国务院有关行政主管部门备案。
第十七条 企业生产的产品没有国家标准、行业标准和地方标准的,应当制定相应的企业标准,作为组织生产的依据。企业标准由企业组织制定(农业企业标准制定办法另定),并按省、自治区、直辖市人民政府的规定备案。
第十八条 国家标准、行业标准分为强制性标准和推荐性标准。
第十九条 制定标准应当发挥行业协会、科学技术研究机构和学术团体的作用。
第二十条 标准实施后,制定标准的部门应当根据科学技术的发展和经济建设的需要适时进行复审。标准复审周期一般不超过五年。
第二十一条 国家标准、行业标准和地方标准的代号、编号办法,由国务院标准化行政主管部门统一规定。
第二十二条 标准的出版、发行办法,由制定标准的部门规定。

第四章 标准的实施与监督
第二十三条 从事科研、生产、经营的单位和个人,必须严格执行强制性标准。不符合强制性标准的产品,禁止生产、销售和进口。
第二十四条 企业生产执行国家标准、行业标准、地方标准或企业标准,应当在产品或其说明书、包装物上标注所执行标准的代号、编号、名称。
第二十五条 出口产品的技术要求由合同双方约定。
第二十六条 企业研制新产品、改进产品、进行技术改造,应当符合标准化要求。
第二十七条 国务院标准化行政主管部门组织或授权国务院有关行政主管部门建立行业认证机构,进行产品质量认证工作。
第二十八条 国务院标准化行政主管部门统一负责全国标准实施的监督。国务院有关行政主管部门分工负责本部门、本行业的标准实施的监督。
第二十九条 县级以上人民政府标准化行政主管部门,可以根据需要设置检验机构,或者授权其他单位的检验机构,对产品是否符合标准进行检验和承担其他标准实施的监督检验任务。检验机构的设置应当合理布局,充分利用现有力量。
第三十条 国务院有关行政主管部门可以根据需要和国家有关规定设立检验机构,负责本行业、本部门的检验工作。
第三十一条 国家机关、社会团体、企业事业单位及全体公民均有权检举、揭发违反强制性标准的行为。

第五章 法律责任
第三十二条 违反《标准化法》和本条例有关规定,有下列情形之一的,由标准化行政主管部门或有关行政主管部门在各自的职权范围内责令限期改进,并可通报批评或给予责任者行政处分:
第三十三条 生产不符合强制性标准的产品的,应当责令其停止生产,并没收产品,监督销毁或作必要技术处理;处以该批产品货值金额百分之二十至百分之五十的罚款;对有关责任者处以五千元以下罚款。
第三十四条 生产、销售、进口不符合强制性标准的产品,造成严重后果,构成犯罪的,由司法机关依法追究直接责任人员的刑事责任。
第三十五条 获得认证证书的产品不符合认证标准而使用认证标志出厂销售的,由标准化行政主管部门责令其停止销售,并处以违法所得二倍以下的罚款;情节严重的,由认证部门撤销其认证证书。
第三十六条 产品未经认证或者认证不合格而擅自使用认证标志出厂销售的,由标准化行政主管部门责令其停止销售,处以违法所得三倍以下的罚款,并对单位负责人处以五千元以下罚款。
第三十七条 当事人对没收产品、没收违法所得和罚款的处罚不服的,可以在接到处罚通知之日起十五日内,向作出处罚决定的机关的上一级机关申请复议;对复议决定不服的,可以在接到复议决定之日起十五日内,向人民法院起诉。当事人也可以在接到处罚通知之日起十五日内,直接向人民法院起诉。当事人逾期不申请复议或者不向人民法院起诉又不履行处罚决定的,由作出处罚决定的机关申请人民法院强制执行。
第三十八条 本条例第三十二条至第三十六条规定的处罚不免除由此产生的对他人的损害赔偿责任。受到损害的有权要求责任人赔偿损失。赔偿责任和赔偿金额纠纷可以由有关行政主管部门处理,当事人也可以直接向人民法院起诉。
第三十九条 标准化工作的监督、检验、管理人员有下列行为之一的,由有关主管部门给予行政处分,构成犯罪的,由司法机关依法追究刑事责任:
第四十条 罚没收入全部上缴财政。对单位的罚款,一律从其自有资金中支付,不得列入成本。对责任人的罚款,不得从公款中核销。

第六章 附则
第四十一条 军用标准化管理条例,由国务院、中央军委另行制定。
第四十二条 工程建设标准化管理规定,由国务院工程建设主管部门依据《标准化法》和本条例的有关规定另行制定,报国务院批准后实施。
第四十三条 本条例由国家技术监督局负责解释。
第四十四条 本条例自发布之日起施行。(附英文)


Important Notice: (注意事项)
英文本源自中华人民共和国务院法制局编译, 中国法制出版社出版的《中华人民
当发生歧意时, 应以法律法规颁布单位发布的中文原文为准.
This English document is coming from the "LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE
which is compiled by the Brueau of Legislative Affairs of the State
Council of the People's Republic of China, and is published by the China
Legal System Publishing House.
In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.

Whole Document (法规全文)
(Promulgated by Decree No. 53 of the State Council of the People's
Republic of China on April 6, 1990 and effective as of the date of

Chapter I General Provisions
Article 1
These Regulations are formulated in accordance with the provisions of the
Standardization Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter
referred to as the Standardization Law).
Article 2
Standards should be formulated for the following technical requirements
that need to be unified:
(1) varieties, specifications, quality and grades of industrial products
or requirements pertinent to safety and hygiene;
(2) methods for design, production, experimentation, examination, packing,
storage, transportation and utilization of industrial products or
requirements pertinent to safety and hygiene in the course of production,
storage and transportation;
(3) various technical requirements and methods for examination concerning
environmental protection;
(4) technical requirements and methods for surveying, designing,
construction and examination and acceptance in building projects;
(5) technical terms, symbols, codes, drafting methods and requirements for
conversion and coordination concerning industrial production, project
construction and environmental protection;
(6) varieties, specifications, quality, grades, examination, packing,
storage, transportation and requirements for production technology and
management expertise concerning agricultural products (including seeds,
seedlings, breeding stock and breeding poultry and those in forestry,
animal husbandry and fishery; the same below);
(7) technical requirements concerning information, energy, resources, and
Article 3
The State develops standardization undertakings in a planned way.
Standardization work should be included in the plans for national economic
and social development at the various levels.
Article 4
The State encourages the adoption of international standards and advanced
standards abroad and takes an active part in the formulation of
international standards.

Chapter II Administration of Standardization Work
Article 5
The task for those who are in charge of standardization work is:
formulating standards, organizing the implementation of standards and
exercising supervision over the implementation of standards.
Article 6
The competent department in charge of standardization under the State
Council exercises unified leadership over the standardization work
throughout the country, and it performs the following duties:
(1) organizing the implementation of the State's laws, regulations,
policies and measures concerning standardization;
(2) organizing the formulation of programmes and plans concerning
standardization work in the whole country;
(3) organizing the formulation of national standards;
(4) providing guidance to the relevant competent departments under the
State Council and administrative departments for standardization work in
the people's governments in the provinces, autonomous regions and the
municipalities directly under the Central Government in their
standardization work, and coordinating work in this field and dealing with
problems arising therein;
(5) organizing the implementation of standards;
(6) conducting supervision over and inspection on the implementation of
(7) exercising unified leadership over attestation of product quality in
the whole country;
(8) taking overall responsibility for professional contacts with the
relevant international standardization organizations.
Article 7
The relevant competent departments under the State Council are responsible
for the standardization work in their own departments or trades. They
shall perform the following duties:
(1) implementing the State's laws, regulations, policies and measures
concerning standardization work and formulating specific procedures for
their implementation in their departments and trades;
(2) formulating programmes and plans concerning standardization work in
their departments and trades;
(3) undertaking tasks assigned by the State of drafting state standards
and organizing the formulation of the standards in their respective
(4) providing guidance to the relevant competent authorities in the
provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the
Central Government in their standardization work;
(5) organizing the implementation of the standards in their departments
and trades;
(6) conducting supervision over and inspection on the implementation of
(7) taking charge of attestation of product quality in their own trades on
the authorization from the competent department in charge of
standardization under the State Council.
Article 8
The administrative departments for standardization in the people's
governments in the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities
directly under the Central Government exercise unified leadership over
standardization work in their respective administrative regions, and shall
perform the following duties:
(1) implementing the State's laws, regulations, policies and measures
concerning standardization work and formulating specific procedures for
their implementation in their respective administrative regions;
(2) formulating local programmes and plans concerning standardization
(3) organizing the formulation of local standards;
(4) providing guidance to the relevant administrative authorities in their
own administrative regions in their standardization work, and coordinating
work in this field and dealing with problems arising therein;
(5) organizing the implementation of the standards in their respective
administrative regions;
(6) conducting supervision over and inspection on the implementation of
the standards.
Article 9
The relevant competent administrative authorities in the provinces,
autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central
Government are responsible for the standardization work in their own
departments and trades in the respective administrative regions, and shall
perform the following duties:
(1) implementing the laws, regulations, policies and measures concerning
standardization work formulated by the State and their respective
departments, trades and administrative regions and formulating specific
procedures for their implementation;
(2) formulating programmes and plans concerning standardization work for
their own departments and trades in the respective administrative regions;
(3) undertaking the tasks of drafting local standards assigned by the
people's governments in the provinces, autonomous regions and
municipalities directly under the Central Government;
(4) organizing the implementation of the standards in their own
departments and trades in the respective administrative regions;
(5) conducting supervision over and inspection on the implementation of
the standards.
Article 10
The division of the duties of the administrative departments in charge of
standardization and the relevant competent administrative authorities in
municipalities and counties shall be stipulated by the people's
governments in the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities
directly under the Central Government.

Chapter III The Formulation of Standards
Article 11
National standards (including making sample standards) should be
formulated for the following technical requirements that need to be
unified throughout the country:
(1) requirements for standardizing commonly used technical terms;
(2) technical requirements for guaranteeing human health and personal and
property safety;
(3) technical requirements for essential raw materials, fuels and
processed materials;
(4) technical requirements for commonly used basic spare parts;
(5) commonly used methods of experimentation and examination;
(6) technical requirements for commonly used management expertise;
(7) important technical requirements in project construction;
(8) technical requirements for the other important products that must be
controlled by the State.
Article 12
In formulating national standards, the administrative department in charge
of standardization under the State Council shall be responsible for making
plans, organizing drafting, examination and approval, numbering and
promulgation. In formulating national standards for project construction,
pharmaceuticals, food hygiene, veterinary medicine and environmental
protection, the competent departments in charge of project construction,
public health, agriculture and environmental protection under the State
Council shall be responsible for organizing drafting and examination and
approval in their respective departments. The procedures for numbering and
promulgation shall be formulated by the administrative department in
charge of standardization under the State Council in conjunction with the
relevant competent departments under the State Council.
Where there are, in law, provisions different from those above for the
formulation of national standards, those provisions in law shall prevail.
Article 13
If there are no national standards for those technical requirements which
need to be standardized for certain trades throughout the country, trade
standards (including the making of sample standards) may be formulated.
Items of trade standards to be formulated shall be determined by the
relevant competent administrative departments under the State Council.
Article 14
In formulating trade standards, the relevant competent administrative
departments under the State Council shall be responsible for drawing up
plans, organizing drafting, examination and approval, numbering and
promulgation and they should report to the administrative department in
charge of standardization under the State Council for the record.
Trade standards shall be null and void automatically after the
corresponding national standards have taken effect.
Article 15
Local standards may be formulated for the safety and sanitation
requirements for industrial goods which need to be unified in the
provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the
Central Government, in the absence of national standards or trade
standards for them. Items of local standards to be formulated shall be
determined by the administrative departments for standardization of the
people's governments in the provinces, autonomous regions and
municipalities directly under the Central Government.
Article 16
In formulating local standards, the administrative departments for
standardization of the people's governments in the provinces, autonomous
regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall be
responsible for drawing up plans, organizing drafting, examination and
approval, numbering and promulgation, and they should report to the
administrative department in charge of standardization under the State
Council and the relevant competent departments under the Council for the
record. Where there are, in law, provisions different from those above
for the formulation of local standards, those provisions in law shall
Local standards shall be null and void automatically after the
corresponding national standards or trade standards go into effect.
Article 17
In the absence of national standards, trade standards and local standards
for certain products, the enterprises producing such products shall
formulate their own standards as the basis for organizing production.
Enterprise standards shall be formulated by the relevant enterprises
themselves (procedures for formulating standards for agricultural
enterprises shall be provided for separately), and shall be filed for the
record in accordance with the provisions of the people's governments in
the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the
Central Government.
Where there are already national standards, trade standards and local
standards, enterprises should be encouraged to formulate enterprise
standards which are stricter than the corresponding national, trade or
local standards and apply them within their enterprises.
Article 18
National standards and trade standards are divided into compulsory
standards and recommendatory standards.
The following standards belong in the compulsory category:
(1) standards for pharmaceuticals, food hygiene and veterinary medicine;
(2) safety and hygiene standards for products and the production, storage
and transportation and utilization of products; standards for the safety
of labour and hygiene standards and safety standards for transportation;
(3) quality, safety and sanitation standards for project construction and
other standards for project construction that must be controlled by the
(4) standards for the discharge of pollutants concerning environmental
protection and standards for environmental quality;
(5) important technical terms, symbols, codes and drafting methods in
common use;
(6) standards for commonly used methods of experimentation and
(7) standards for conversion and coordination;
(8) quality standards for the important products which need to be
controlled by the State. The catalogue of the important products which
need to be controlled by the State shall be fixed by the administrative
department for standardization under the State Council in conjunction with
the relevant competent administrative departments under the State Council.
Those standards which are not compulsory are recommendatory standards.
The local standards for safety and hygiene requirements for industrial
products formulated by the administrative departments in charge of
standardization of the people's governments in the provinces, autonomous
regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government are
compulsory standards in their respective administrative regions.
Article 19
Trade associations, research institutions for science and technology, and
academic organizations should be given a role to play in formulating
standards. The departments responsible for formulating national, trade
and local standards should set up standardization technical committees
consisting of experts from users, production units, trade associations,
research institutions for science and technology, academic organizations
and the departments concerned, which shall be responsible for drafting
standards and examining the technical aspects of the drafts. Where
standardization technical committees have not been set up, the units
charged with specific responsibility for standardization technology may
take charge of drafting standards and examining the technical aspects of
the drafts.
It is necessary to heed fully the opinions of the users and research
institutions for science and technology in formulating enterprise
Article 20
After standards go into effect, the departments which formulated the
standards shall carry out timely reexaminations in light of the
development of science and technology and the needs of economic
construction. Normally, reexamination should be conducted every five
years, at the longest.
Article 21
The procedures of coding and numbering for national, trade and local
standards shall be provided for by the administrative department in charge
of standardization under the State Council.
The procedures of coding and numbering for enterprise standards shall be
provided for by the administrative department in charge of standardization
under the State Council in conjunction with the relevant competent
administrative departments under the State Council.
Article 22
The procedures of publication and distribution of standards shall be
stipulated by the departments which have formulated the standards.

Chapter IV Implementation and Supervision Concerning Standards
Article 23
Any units and individuals that are engaged in scientific research,
production and operation must strictly implement compulsory standards. The
products which do not measure up to compulsory standards may not be
allowed to be produced, marketed or imported.
Article 24
Enterprises may go by the national, trade and local standards or
enterprise standards in production. The codes, serial numbers and names of
the standards should be marked on their products, or written in the
technical manuals or on the packages.
Article 25
The technical requirements for export products shall be agreed upon by the
two contracting parties.
When those export products which should be subject to compulsory standards
of China are sold at domestic markets, they must meet the requirements of
the relevant compulsory standards.
Article 26
Enterprises should meet standardization requirements in developing new
products, improving products or carrying out technical innovations.
Article 27
The administrative department in charge of standardization under the State
Council organizes or authorizes the relevant competent departments under
the State Council to set up trade attestation agencies for carrying out
product quality attestation.
Article 28
The administrative department in charge of standardization under the State
Council shall be responsible for the supervision over the implementation
of standards throughout the country. The relevant administrative
departments under the State Council shall be responsible for the
supervision over the implementation of the standards in their respective
departments and trades.
The administration departments for standardization in the provinces,
autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central
Government shall be responsible for the supervision over the
implementation of the standards in their respective administrative areas.
The relevant administrative authorities in the people's governments in the
provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the
Central Government shall be responsible for the supervision over the
implementation of the standards in their departments and trades in the
respective administrative areas.
The administrative departments for standardization and the relevant
administrative authorities in municipalities and counties shall be
responsible for the supervision over the implementation of the standards
in their respective administrative areas according to the duties assigned
to them by the people's governments of the provinces, autonomous regions
and municipalities directly under the Central Government.
Article 29
The administrative departments in charge of standardization in the
people's governments above county level may, according to their needs, set
up examination agencies or authorize the examination agencies of other
units to ensure products are up to the standards and undertake other tasks
of supervision and examination concerning the implementation of standards
in setting up examination agencies, attention should be paid to a rational
geographical allocation and making full use of the available personnel and
The establishment of state examination agencies shall be planned and
examined by the administrative department in charge of standardization
under the State Council in conjunction with the relevant administrative
departments under the State Council. The establishment of local
examination agencies shall be planned and examined by the administrative
departments in charge of standardization in the people's governments of
the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the
Central Government in conjunction with the relevant administrative
authorities at provincial level. The data provided by the examination
agencies stipulated in this Article shall be taken as the criterion in
solving disputes over whether certain products are up to the relevant

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